
Anyone ever have their mom put the curse on you by saying i hope your kid turns out just like you?

by Guest58944  |  earlier

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they call that the mothers curse




  1. Yes, my mom did all the time, but I took it as a compliment if she thinks that she is the perfect example of a person.

  2. lol, and it worked my son is just like me, easy fun loving kid... but the second he doesnt get what he wants you dont want to be around.

    my mom laughed at me when she saw me chasing my 4 month baby crawl away and 9 month baby as he litteraly RAN away and climbed over the baby gates "He's just like you, you wont be able to relax until he is out of grade school, and  then come the "trouble years". i dont mine but she is happy i live with the same child she did

  3. yes and I tell her, Well I guess your mom put on you to... you get it?

  4. Oh yes, and it happened.. my 3 year old is a monster!

  5. Most every mother to most every child at some dreadful point..

  6. hmm thats almost like saying to you, I hope your parenting skills are as bad as ours were...

  7. yes and I have two kids one didn't wean until 26 months old the other is 18months old and won't wean. I only nursed until I was 18 months.

    Now answer my question:;...

  8. oooooh yes its scary my 2 are h**l raisers brats

  9. OMG-thats what i swear my mother did to me.  Sort of that way.  She always said i was stubborn and defiant, and that my daughters will be like me...Yeah-my 7 year old has started.  And she also told me that since my daughter was an easy child (before 7) my next would be a h**l raiser....needless to say, Im going insane with my 2 year old, never seen one like him (and not just because he's mine).  THX MOM

  10. nope.  i never gave my parents any problems

  11. um... no, thats horrible..

  12. LOL I haven't but my husband's mom has said it to him, and we have 3 beautiful children and so far so good!!!

  13. my mom says that kind of thing all the time 0.o

  14. Yeah and she's probably going to be right.

  15. Yup.  ALL the time.  I wasn't that bad, my parents just weren't the respectful honorable type.  I grew up and I'm nothing like my mom and so far, my daughter is NOTHING like I was.

  16. Ohh I heard that soooooo many times when I was growing up!

    I have to say....I do see some things in my kids that do remind me of my behavior.........and I'm sure I will see more as they get older.......THANKS MOM for the CURSE!!!!  LOL!

  17. All the time!  I wouldn't say it was a curse though, as far as I was concerned I was a great kid, so I could only hope for one as good :)

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