
Anyone ever have to get tests to find out what chemical they are missing?

by  |  earlier

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I have had 3 miscarriages. After that, then the doctor is ready to start testing me to find out why. First they tested my hubby and found he's fine. Then me. Blood tests, all find. I have no trouble getting prego, they even did an x-ray of my tubes and uterus. Found them to be in perfect working order. I stated in a previous question, they were testing my cervix. I misunderstood, they are doing a byopsy of the lining of my uterus. They are looking to see if i'm missing a needed chemical to hold a pregnancy. Anyone ever been through this and had a positive outcome?




  1. I have had to get my hormone level tested because of haveing miscarriages (they did not have to test my husband because we already were able to have a child so it couldn't have been a genetic thing).  They found that I am just slightly low on one of the hormones to successfully carry a baby.  I have not been able to get pregnant since but hopefully my time is soon.  

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