
Anyone ever hear of the game "Wide World"?

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My sister got it for me off of ebay, since we had it as a kid. You're a little plane and fly around to destinations.




  1. This one?

    Looks interesting, at least one element of difference from the standard "roll and move" games of the time.

    Happy gaming!

  2. Yes, yes, yes! I played it as a kid too, and loved it.

    We just visited my parents during the summer and they pulled it out of the cupboard, so we played with our own kids too. They really liked it  - so much that we are now making our "own" version of it (we live in Germany). I was just about to start drawing the map this morning..... (but then got side-tracked and ended up on Yahoo Answers, and how ironic to see your question!)

    I think kids like it so much because they learn where other countries are, and a little bit about them. The game may be a bit old-fashioned, but the information probably isn´t that outdated. My boys especially like the little airplanes (and often just played with those - they are 4 & 6 y. old). I really like the "wind" - it is just simply COOL!

    I never thought about looking for it on Ebay. But now we´ve planned our own.....


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