
Anyone ever heard of knots in the umbilical cord?

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i had my gorgeous baby girl on the 28th of august my waters broke at 2 in the morning contractions did not start till 3 and i had her by 11.25. To my surprise and to the midwifes the umbilical cord had two knots in it all they kept saying was how rare it was and they had never seen it before and how i was lucky to have not lost the baby. She came out perfetly healthy and i had no problems while carrying her. Anyone heard of this, is it as rare as they say ?




  1. I haven't heard of it, but I can certainly see it happening.  

  2. I've heard of it. It's just where they baby swims around it's umbilical cord until it goes through it and forms a knot. It it had gotten really tight the blood supply going from yourself to your baby could have got cut off. Thats why you were lucky.  

  3. I have heard of it. They were probably going on about it because a lot of the times, having a knot in the cord doesn't result in a live birth. It cuts off the supply to the baby, causing major problems. So it is amazing she's fine, considering there were 2 knots in the cord.  

  4. never heard of this at all bit scary that is at least your baby girl was healthy that main thing CONGRATULATIONS!!

  5. Yes though its rare usually its a loose knot that tightens as the baby travels down the birth canal.

  6. Yes.  It is very rare, and very dangerous as well.  There is no proof on how it actually occurs, but it is thought to happen when the fetus is very small, and moves through a loop created in the umbilical cord, and then a knot is formed.

  7. I have heard of it, the baby managed to move around so much (probably much earlier on when she had room) she tied the knots herself. You and she are very lucky that she didn't cut her oxygen supply with the knot.

    The incidence of true knots according to one study is 1.2%

    Don't dwell on the pregnancy/delivery just enjoy your lovely baby girl.

  8. Yes, they twist and turn so much, it is a wonder it isn't more common!

  9. It is quite rare but does happen, obviously you're proof to that, the baby moves around alot in the early stages and can often get the cord tangled, that's how so many babies end up with the cord around their neck. When my son was born in July he had his arm tied up by his head because the cord had wrapped around him (you can imagine he was a little tricky to push out that way!) Good to hear she's healthy. Congratulations!

  10. when i was born, i had a knot in mine too!

    the doctors told my mum that if she was a smoker i probably would of died as smokers babys unbilical cords are alot thinner... so the knot would of been tied very very tight so it would of cut of my oxygen supply. As my mum is a non smoker my cord was really fat and chunky so luckily i was fine haha.

    well congratulations anyway, good luck for the future Xx

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