
Anyone ever met a sick person(not mentually you had a bad headace)but sick in mind?

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Anyone ever met a sick person(not mentually you had a bad headace)but sick in mind?




  1. only in here.

  2. no....

  3. Oh,..Dear lord yes,....

  4. My former mother in law was.  She had so many problems, it would be hard to list them all.  But he thing was, they were all in her mind.

    She was a terrible hypochondriac.  She was "depressed", and not in a clinical way.  More of an "I'm demanding your pity" type of way.  She was always complaining of pains, but every time she went to the doctor they'd tell her nothing was wrong.  I happened to be there during one of the visits.  After the doctor sent her home with a good bill of health, I overheard her telling my former father in law that the doctor said she had pneumonia.  Then there was the time my husband and I got food poisoning from a restaurant.  We were sick for days.  But during those days she wasn't getting the attention she felt entitled to, so she claimed she was ill as well....she didn't even go with us to the restaurant.

    That was just the tip of the ice burg though.  But, like I said, there are too many things to name.

  5. Yes. Oh yes. I also know of some pretty corrupt people in history. Adolf Hitler, Bush (haha, hope you're not a sucker who supports him!!), Cromwell, Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and such. Pretty sick people there.

  6. Yes. And it's nothing to joke about. My brother was diagnosed as a schizophrenic about 10 years ago and my son has been diagnosed as Bipolar. Anything in particular you were talking about or just generally asking?

  7. Oh yes- known several mentally ill people.  Sometimes the sickness is real strong in then, and it makes their bodies sick too.  Although there's nothing observable wrong with them, they think they're having heart attacks or brain tumors.  It's quite common.

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