
Anyone ever notice this with Rugby fans???

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That they don't need to be separated by security from other supporters during games? And at the end of a game the traditional thing to do is to go to a pub down the road and have a drink with with your mates and supporters from the other team.

I am a supporter of both Football and Rugby(League and Union) but this always seems to hit me...Rugby fans in general are more polite and respectful! There is just about ZERO violence. Anyone else agree?




  1. I think Rugby league is also a useful buffer..for hoovering up any interested former football supporters... and keeping them away from union matches..

    It is a complete myth that there is never any trouble at union matches though to be honest...otherwise cardiff wouldn't have to put tens of  thousands of police on the streets on internatonal days..

    You can be a complete k**b and expect the same treatment you would in any walk of life. The world won't be nicer or more respectful to you.. because everyone is wearing union jerseys.

  2. Aj mate

    its the other way round (Y)

    rugby league is the rough mans game (cos poor men invented it) yet played but gentleman ( no violence abuse etc.)

    union is the gentlemans sport( invented by rich folk) played by ruff 'ens

    however neither are as rough as football

    rugby league i believe is the least violence

    having been to english super league matches

    i have only ever come across a few fights & the like

    all by hull fans

    turning on each other

    & famously bringing now the posts at the macalpine

    never do you hear of rugby related violence

    i am proud to be a rugby league support

    come on you RHINO'S



  3. yes rugby is for gentlmen, football hooligans.


  4. yes, it's nice isn't it.  I was introduced to this when I first went to see the AB's play NSW at the Sports Ground (Sydney). That dates me severely :-( We selected some seats and were soon surrounded by the opposition crowd which must have been most of the Maori population in Sydney at the time. We were fearing for our lives but ended up having one the best days watching football.  AB's won but there was nothing but friendly rivalry and banter and Johnnie Walker all afternoon.  It helped that I have the same surname as one of the AB wingers.

    AFL crowds are a bit too soft. Cricket (especially ODI's) seems to draw out the morons.  League crowds draw out the animals. Football crowds are a bit too ethnically aligned and it can be machine guns at dawn type of stuff. Union crowds are the best.

  5. totally agree, brutes on the field gentle men off the field, even a game like cricket can be put to shame by some of the rigby politeness...

    its all to do with tradition as most of the players in rugby probably come from good rugby schools with lotsa tradition so they keep there heads high and the players and fans around them do the same

  6. They do tend to say that "football is a gentlemans game played by hooligans and rugby is a hooligans game played by gentlemen!"

    I think the way the fans react reflects on the way the players react.  Due to rugby having a zero tolerance on answering back to the ref, this has been relfected in the fans.  Compare that to football, where the players and screem and shout and throw their dummies out the pram.  The supporters are more inclined to act that way.

    There are a lot of football supports that purely go to a football match, not to watch the game, but to have a fight.

    I think another reason is money; rugby players don't earn a lot, they really are there for the love of the sport. Whereas, footballers earn a heck of a lot of money of money for just waking up in the morning.

    This is always dodgey ground, but another reason is class.  rugby was mainly played at private schools and considered, and sometimes still is today, the upper class sport.  Whereas football is the everyday man's sport, that can be where and whenever.

  7. well, rugby is the best game in the world. we have no need for that soccer stuff. They cry and act. A lot of rugby teams are respectful to the other teams which is good to see.

  8. Absolutely. Rugby (union) does not tolerate hooligans.

  9. I agree 100% I go to both AFL and NRL games in Melbourne and I can't remember a blue at the Rugby, I suppose a lack of opposition supporters may have something to do with it, but I have been at AFL where same team fans have turned on each other!!

  10. Rugby is a lot more Traditional than Rugby League and people like to stick to these traditions. Some people say Rugby is a game for Rough-men played by Gentlemen and Rugby League is a game for Gentlemen played by Rough-men. Plus Rugby seems to pull a massive crowed when it comes to International games. So they have respect for different countries.

  11. It's true. After the Miracle Match when we knocked out Gloucester, the Gloucester fans were having a drink with the Munster fans with absolutely no hard feelings. You'll always get a bit of banter but never violence or aggressive insults. The same way when Leicester took our home record, we just had a drink with their fans and talked about the match.

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