
Anyone ever read anything by Virginia Woolf?

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And if so, what did you think?




  1. Yeah, I've read a fair amount of stuff by Woolf, and I think that all her works are quite amazing. Novel-wise, TO THE LIGHTHOUSE and MRS. DALLOWAY are brilliant, of course, along with THE WAVES and ORLANDO. Her short stories, as well, are wonderful. Her writing style is so elaborate and intricate to the point that it's nearly unbelievable, and her stream-of-consciousness style, though admittedly hard to follow at points, gives outstanding insight into all of her characters and their thoughts and motivations, etc.

  2. I thought it was mean of her to destroy those pigs' houses.

    Yes I have.  Thought they were good examples of their type.  What is it you want to know?

  3. I've only read her critical works and a few excerpts of her novels.

    She has a stream-of-consciousness style that shows the tortuous wanderings of her characters' minds.

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