
Anyone ever shoot pool for money on here? What was the largest amount you ever won?

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Shooting pool for money requires lots of skill and unlike playing poker, where you can bluff to win a pot, you can't bluff anyone when shooting a game of pool, either you can call the pockets for each shot or you don't, there is no gray area when it comes to shooting pool.

Whats the largest amount of money you ever made shooting a game of say 9 ball?




  1. I have. The largest I ever won was $200. It was a double or nothing kind of bet. To be honest, I won in the end because I made a shot I had no business making. The pool gods smiled on me that time! I won't say luck, because it was in me somewhere, but I've never shot that well since, either.

    That was a game of 8 ball, but I used to play on a 9-ball league. I like 9-ball better. I've never bet on 9-ball. It goes too quickly for my comfort.

  2. 9 ball is a slop game and you can get very lucky.

    ive won $125

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