
Anyone ever tried Rit dye?

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for their clothing? I have a few (mostly cotton) shirts that have faded a bit - they were originally black. I'd like to try and re-dye. Anyone had success with this?





  1. Yes, do follow the box.  If the buttons are white or another color that you would like to keep, consider taking them off for the dye process.

  2. Everything the others said is absolutely spot on (pardon the pun). Make sure you use enough too. Follow those directions and don't expect miracles. I would say that success wouldn't be the key word I'd use, but you might have some luck and be pleasantly surprised. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  3. Its kinda iffy with the rit dye. Because there are alot of variables that will determine how good of a dye job you get.

    Haven't done it in awile but have used it many times so lets see if I can remember.  First off if there are anyspots on the shirt like a slight greasy stain or persperation or deoderant type stainage any bleach spots for me those spots came out uneven. Also if you don't give the clothes enough room in the washer that will cause them to come out funky. Also make sure that the dye is disolved all the way before you add the clothes or there will be darker spots on the fabric.  I guess the bottom line is how picky are you about losing the shirt if it doesnt come out good, because you can use a better quality dye (the kind people use for tiedye) that you can get at an art supply store if you want a somewhat better result.  In reality Rit Dye works better on household items like a bathroom rug even a polyester one comes out pretty good or curtains etc.. Maybe also rit die has an information page on the internet.  The last thing I tried to dye was a sweatshirt that i got at goodwill that was kinda stained and it didnt come out good and before that I dyed a thin cotton knitted orange shirt because I got a bleach spot on it.  I dyed it black but I think first I used color remover on it.  The bleach spot came out not as dark as the rest of the shirt .

  4. My sisters and I used to use that when we were teens on a craft project with men's dress shirts. we used to cut off the collar of the shirt to give it a more hip look and then dye them the pretty pastel rit colors like the dusty rose and then embroidery on the lapel.  They turned out really cute.

  5. BLACK will never dye back.  I have tried with the powder and the liquid, and I have tried with more than one package at a time.  It doesnt work on black!

  6. ritdye is fine but follow the directions .

  7. yes the only problem is you dye the buttons and everything else

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