
Anyone ever use telekinesis?

by  |  earlier

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Or witness it?




  1. I have and regularly practise it. I can tell you exactly how to do it yourself easily. Ready?

    There did you get my instructions?

    Of course not its all rubbish!

  2. I have personally seen a person raised and healed from the dead after half an hour back around the early 80's. One Mexican guy there who laughed and mocked it eventually hanged himself at work from the crane. There were many witnesses that day.The company at this location is no longer in business.

  3. No such thing.  It has never been demonstrated ever under scientifically controlled conditions, and there is a million dollar reward it anyone can perform it.   The million is still there, and I have a feeling always will be.

    I have witnessed what appeared to be it, done my magicians, but then it is just a trick.

  4. I've seen it--once.  A friend of mine and I were at a Chinese restaurant.  As we were talking, I noticed the Rice bowl moving across the table (about two inches).  When I asked if he was dong that, he said "yes."  Now, being a bit skeptical, and realizing the bowl could have been sliding on a slight grade (perhaps on a thin film of water), I asked him to make it reverse direction--which he did.  Weird things like that tended to happen around him, as he was a practitioner of some rather interesting meditative disciplines (as was I--but I could never do that).  Good times, those . . .

  5. I practice every day....

  6. I'm sure many people think they have witnessed telekinesis (think of all the people Uri Geller fooled), but actual telekinesis has never been demonstrated by anybody.

  7. Kinda, one time I told this girl if she took her top off, I could make something rise without touching it.

    Sadly, she didn't think my trick was all that impressive :(

  8. No; it is a figment of the imagination.

  9. Not personally, but I do believe it exists

  10. I haven't but that's only because it doesn't exist.

  11. once i looked at a lamp post and the light turned off, that kind of stuff happens a lot but that probably only seems that way since I remember when it happens and when it doesnt, telekinesis is fake, but as soon as a I move an easter island statue with my thoughts ill let you know

  12. Yes, my brother used to do it, it was absolutely amazing. The trick was this little string that was virtually invisible in indoor lighting. He would string it through his sleeve and attach it to items with this goo stuff. If you are good with magic, its a great illusion. Nothing more than an illusion though.

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