
Anyone ever used CHANTIX to stop smoking? Did it help or work? Any side effects, or anything I should know?

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My doctor just prescribed me Chantix to stop smoking... heard of it, but don't know much about it. Looking to get opinions from people who have used it or know people who have used it... any info would be helpful. Thank you!




  1. Yes!

    I used it for 2 months and quit smoking at about 6 weeks into the medication.

    I actually wasn't sure I wanted to quit and was skeptical, but it WORKED!  It was amazing and I would recommend it to anyone.

    The side effect I had most prominently was irritability ( I was MOODY!) and it was noticeable. Things that might have irritated me before really, really made me upset when I was on the Chantix, but everyone reacts differently!

    Best of luck! I hope it works for you !

  2. Hello Brad,

    It is good to hear that you are trying to kick the habit!  I personally found the guide offered at to be very helpful when I quit smoking.  Good luck to you!

  3. i heard something on the news about seizures and blackouts research it first

  4. It helped me, I had the same side effects I had when I tried to quit cold turkey and some very weird dreams while using it, but other than some slight nausea there were no real side effects.

  5. You may be interested in reading this link regarding Chantix.

    The FDA has been growing concerned by potentially life threatening Chantix side effects that include suicidal thoughts. In fact, one of the many dangers of Chantix appears to be the onset of suicidal tendencies within days or weeks of taking the smoking cessation pill.


    i hope this information is of use to you mate.

    peace & good health 2 u



  6. The FAA has just put out a notice to all airmen that the drug can not be used if you are a pilot because it can cause blackouts and seizures.  I am not sure where you can find that posting by the FAA but it sure sounds like a poor alternative to me.

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