
Anyone ever used an underwater camera case?

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My husband wants one of these underwater camera cases for our digital camera. Now it says it's waterproof up to 33 ft and it says it doesn't blur the camera lens so that your pictures turn out great.

If that link doesn't work, it's a WP500 camera case.

Obviously the brochure selling it is GOING to say all that. In the past we've always used the underwater cameras and they tend to be fine but he is a man and this is a cool gadget.

But have you ever used one? Worth it or pictures still look like a disposable underwater camera? Did your camera get ruined?

We have a water resistant case for our I-pod which has to go on the cruise. I'm fine with that b/c I don't go that close to the pool to begin with. But this will be going underwater with I'm a little hesitant. Anyone?




  1. Go to Walmart.

  2. reviews and some information about the latest gadgets and electronic equipments.

  3. My son-in-law has one and it takes great pictures. I don't know exactly what brand he has, but I was totally impressed. The disposable underwater cameras do not take too great of pictures, not anything close to what you are talking about.

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