
Anyone ever won the lottery ( for a large amount)?

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I won 50 bucks once.




  1. My Mom's boyfriend bought a "Powerball" lottery ticket at the local, convenience, store, for an old lady. She checked the numbers and she won $10,000. The woman gave half of the money to him.

  2. No only ten pounds

  3. I personally won $180 matching 4 out of 6 numbers. I've shook the hand of a former co-worker that won $8 million.

  4. my friend's parents won the lottery, like the mega millions and they stopped working and haven't been to work for six years, and I dont think they're going back (:

  5. i won

    0 pence/cents    dammit

  6. the most i ever won was 65 dollars. i bought some shoes and a couple of undies, and a 40.

  7. i have never won the lottery, but when my friend Nora was 8, she won a dollar from it.

  8. wow, thats prob as close as you will ever get!!!!

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