
Anyone experienced a disaster on their wedding? I had probs with my dress & photos are dreadful. I'm gutted.

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Anyone experienced a disaster on their wedding? I had probs with my dress & photos are dreadful. I'm gutted.




  1. Congratulations!

    I think just about everybody has something go wrong with their wedding.  At my wedding many years ago, I wore my mother's wedding gown.  It was so beautiful -- but everytime I hugged someone, the side seams ripped a little bit.  By the end of the reception, the sides were pretty much ripped out.

    It was a very hot day and the icing on our caked started to melt, the layers on the cake all shifted.  Some friends tried to repair, but it looked terrible.

    Our photographer NEVER showed.  My cousin ended up taking all the pictures, not professional quality, but she did a good job.  My brand new sister in law who accepted the job to serve decided at the last minute she just didn't feel like doing it.  My husband's cousin jumped in and took over.

    At the time, I was getting really stressed about it .... a week later when we got back from our honeymoon and I went back to work, my boss heard me telling co-workers about the mini disasters at the wedding and reception.  She told me that the more things that go wrong with a wedding, the better and stronger the marriage will be.

    Perhaps just a silly superstition, but I always remember her words.

  2. congratulations on your wedding. I agree with most people here, just get your photos re-done, there's no reason why you cant if you are genuinely unhappy with the ones taken on the day. some things just dont work out, its just life! have your hair and makeup redone and re-create the wedding pictures, but have your photographer take them with a digital camera so you can check them after they are taken and make sure you're happy with them before they go off to be printed for you.

  3. My brother got married in September 2007. I am surprised the events leading up to the wedding didn't deter them!

    - a week and a day prior the brakes in my brother's truck failed and he almost died.

    - the cleaner who was to press the dress LOST THE DRESS. When my SiL called to go pick it up they siad they couldn't find it. This was Thursday, the wedding was on Saturday. Eventually they "found" the dress and delivered it to the house as a getsure of good will - in the backseat of an SUV with their dog. And the dress was almost ruined as whoever had pressed has pressed all the lace edgeing UP and it looked like crumpled tin foil! On top of that, they wouldn't give my SiL the dress until she paid for it! We had to steam the entire thing in the bathroom on a hangar the next day and my mom had to remove and reattach ALL the lace from the bottom. It turned out okay but what a stressor!

    - The day before the wedding, the bride's mom cleaned off the dining room table and inadvertantly threw out the bride's engagement ring, which had just come back from being cleaned. It was in an envelope from the jeweler, her father had picked it up for her and left it on the table. It went into the garbage disposal and they had to dig through the garbage to find it (which they did).

    - The fridge the flowers were in broke so they were moved ot another fridge - where they froze because the temp was lower. The morning of the wedding we spent pulling dead flowers out of bouquets and boutinerres and trying to make due with the "less dead" ones. They looked weird, almost like dried flowers...

    That was all, but that was enough!!! The wedding itself was nice and the reception went as planned but everyone was walking on pins and needles and prayers!!!

  4. Most weddings are a disaster. =o/

    Have you thought about having someone "redo" your photos? I do photo manipulation I can maybe do something for you? Email me if you are interested. (click on my avatar for my email address).

    & Remember... at least you didn't get married in the 80's & all your pictures you have 80's hair & gold sparkles sprayed all over you, & all your girls had bigger hair & wearing gold Lame dresses. Seriously.... it could be worse, photos we can fix... email me

  5. i got married 3 weeks ago and i had a few problems on my big day 1st of all, my bridesmaid and myself woke up late!! was such a mad rush trying to get ready before the hairdressers, then when it was time to get my dress on my mother decided that she would apply fake nails which meant that she being the only one that knew how to tie my dress up was busy which made me quite angry, church bit was great apart from my shoes which gave me a huge blister so i changed into my old flip flops when i got to the reception, but i was still smiling!! then when we sat down to our meal one of the staff was behind us putting all the empty catering trays away when somehow a flame from one of the candles keeping a hot plate warm exploded and a flame landed on my dress and burnt a hole in the train so all i could do was cry it was the one thing that i didnt think would happen, after that my evening was pretty much ruined and all i wanted to do was go home, but my husband said try not to let it ruin things at the end of the day we did what we wanted to do which was get married and to be honest i felt ok after that.

    my advice is get urself dressed up again in ur outfits ( all family) and have ur pictures taken again thats what we plan on doing because it was so windy on our wedding day and i looked like a flying nun lol

    congratulations xx

  6. u can always get re-married?thats an idea....did u at least have fun,and enjoy your day?thats what all really matter's...did you take the photos before the wedding or after??like she said^^^ you can always get pictures fixed???

  7. I'm so sorry to hear that you had problems with your wedding! I hope the good things about it outweighed the bad!

    I am getting married in October and one of my biggest fears is that the photos won't turn out nice. (well that, and that I will fall when I walk down the aisle)

  8. Have a "Trash the Dress" Photo Shoot....

    You can take all your anger out on the dress, and have exotic, and s**y pictures out of it as well.

    If you don't have much money for it, go to a nearby College or University, and have a photography student do the pics for almost nothing, since they are eager to add to their portfolio....

    I'm sorry you had probs....If it makes you feel any better, my husband had to return to work after our Clerk of Courts wedding, so I got to "celebrate" the rest of the day by myself :(

  9. Take a 3-4 day cruise and renew your vows aboard ship or plan an all inclusive beach destination for your first anniversary and renew your vows there.

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