
Anyone familiar with Kentucky, USA Renter's rights???

by Guest60127  |  earlier

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Hi. I have just found a termite in my (rented) home. now, while I am positive that it is my landlord's responsibilty to rid the home of the them, I am not sure of one thing.

Does he have to provide us with a temporary place to stay while the house is under the tent? Our rent is 100% up to date. Also is he allowed to make us move out indefinitely because of this situation?




  1. Yes, the landlord DOES have to do something about the termites.  

    You can call the housing authority, and report this.

    If a tent is needed, you are to be provided temporary quarters.

  2. He does NOT have to do anything about his termites.

    They are harmless and will not hurt you.   But, there is no legal requirement that he does anything with them at all.

    Modern methods of termite control do not involve tenting.    He can take care of this in a few hours and you will not be inconvianced in any way.   But again, he can keep them if he wants.

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