
Anyone fancy a few pints at lunchtime in the pub garden ? To nice a day to be stuck indoors.?

by  |  earlier

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We can all go back to work wobbley.




  1. It's pimms o'clock!! weeeeeee............. what time do the pubs open again?

  2. Yes please, a pint of caffreys for me and some cheese and onion crisps

  3. OK then...see you at 12 noon

  4. Best idea i've heard all day,   God bless you my son !!!

  5. Yay sounds good :) Drinks are on meeee

  6. Love to but these b**tards have got me working all through Easter, but you go and have one for me. Thanks for asking and ENJOY.

  7. Go on then you twisted my arm!!!!!

  8. I've been wishing it was time to go home since I got to work at 8:30.

  9. Go on then,I'll get wobbly with you!!!!

  10. Yeah which puband were. Mines a black velvet(guiness and cider).

  11. ALREADY on a long holiday thanks

  12. Yeah go on then, first rounds on you tho!!

  13. ok what time?

  14. Its always a good idea.

  15. My day off!!! Boyfriend's blanking me out, bored... Why not??? I'd love to. x*x

  16. yay! I am still at school so i can go back home wobbly! YAY WOBBLY! WOOHOO! i think that might be illegal!! WOOPS. luv to though!

  17. Absolulty - see you there, why go back to work?? Lets just drink are worries away under the sunshine!!

  18. i have a cold at the mo so sittin outside isnt a good idea at the mo but in the summer h**l yay and mayb accedently forget to go bk to work

  19. lol ... I think you must be from the UK.

    Yep ... I'm in for a couple of Pints ... but can you make it in July/August 2008 when we get back over there.

  20. Already in the garden with the laptop and into my 2nd Tennents - sunshiny day

  21. OK Your round first then!

  22. Sounds fantastic, I'll be there.

  23. You read my mind!

  24. yes please!

    IM UP FOR IT!!.. a Jug wit lots of ice!! :o)

    have a lovely day!

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