
Anyone feel bad about Chung Fei crying...?

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after she bombed her routine? I know she has good reason to cry but man, did they have to show her face to the nation :( It was a little hard to see her so upset. Is this me being oversensitive?




  1. did alicia do the same?

  2. No, she should have hold it until she out of the camara shot, like Alicia Sacramone did.

  3. I did feel bad for her. It's already tough to be competing in a world-wide event that's viewed all over the world and to have to represent your country at the same time. But, to do it in your homeland especially, with the stadium packed with your nation's people screaming and cheering you on constantly. The pressure for her must've been big. I personally wouldn't be able to handle that big of a pressure. Since I'm kinda self-conscious and would hate how if I was them and they always zoom in on my face so much especially if I happened to cry.

    Plus, if she didn't mess up who knows how high she would've gotten.

  4. i think all the whining of the sore losers is getting to her psyche.

  5. No, I felt the same way! I felt terrible for her - she just couldn't hold it in. And she tried so hard!

    It was sweet of the people in the stadium to give her such a loud round of applause, though.

  6. Yeah she should be crying. I feel really bad because she should have won the vault, if she didn't fall, and then she should have won the floor excercise if she didn't fall. Because in the qualifications, she had the highest scores for those 2 events.

  7. I felt bad for her too. I hate it when people cry,.

  8. Yeah, it must have been harsh for her falling on a vault that's named after her. That must have affected her confidence on floor exercise.

  9. I know. Too come so far, but one s***w up ends everything.

  10. When Alicia fell off the beam in the Team's competition...she was crying and the camera zooms on her as she crouches down crying. I think NBC is bunch of buffoon. Learn some respect for dejected athletes.

  11. I felt for her...

    One thing that at times some people seem to be forgetting, amid all the discussion of the intensive training the Chinese put in... is that these people are unique individuals.. young girls who, whether  by the result of a state decision or personal choice.. have dedicated their lives to their sport.. and like any normal individual, will have a personal reaction.... and must feel heartbreak if a small error stuffs up all the years of dedication..

  12. I didn't see the Individual rounds of gymnastics yet, but I do feel bad for any athlete that trains so hard and works for 4+ years to make it to the Olympics and it is all lost on a moment of miscalculation. Unfortunately the broadcasters want to capitalize on the emotion of the Olympics, any happy or sad moment, they're right in the competitor's face.

  13. OMG!! yes. you dont know how bad i felt for her. when she started crying, i just felt so much sympathy for her.  

  14. Well she got an unfair scoring for vault, so I am sorry to say I don't care that much.

    But you are right. It was rude that the cameras had to follow her around like that. They shouldn't of shown her face like that.

    And that 1st place Korean or whatever girl should of came in last. She stepped out TWICE!!!! Alicia should of came in 2nd and the 33 year old mom should of gotten 1st. Or Alicia even 1st.

  15. I was so sad to see her cry, I just wanted to go there and give her a big hug. She did great on the vaulting and the floor exercise even though she did stumble! Everybody have their off days and this was just it. She should be proud of herself to win that much medals and she is just a great gymnast!!!!!!! Some people just don't remember that these are just teenage girls with feelings, and it was sooo rude that the cameras had to follow her. I would have punched someone out if they ever did that, LOL!!!

    She is one of the world's greatest gymnast EVER, and she should be proud of herself to win many Olympic medals, and realize that there will always be a next time. I AM SOOOOO PROUD OF CHUNG FEI, SHE MADE ME PROUD OF MY COUNTRY!!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!


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