
Anyone feel like deciphering my dream for me? (have a go)?

by  |  earlier

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The whole "What does this mean?" thing usually isn't for me, but this felt like an odd one to me.

My dream last night --

I had (for some unknown reason) given my daughter, my cat, and an old dog of mine to a woman to foster/adopt/keep.

I wanted them back badly -- in my dream I felt the longing to have my babies back, I missed them, and the women would NOT give them back to me, she could see the pain I was in, yet couldn't care less.


(And no, I would never give up my children or animals, I do love them).

It was very random for me.




  1. Since I don't know your background well, its hard to say. But perhaps you feel like you've been relying on someone so heavily with taking care of something special in your life that even when you want to take the responsibility back you won't be able to get it. For example, say you just got a new job, and a lady across the street has been watching your daughter during the week. Your daughter has gotten so close to your neighbor that you feel like this woman is stealing her from you. Hope this helps!

    Best wishes. ♥Carrie

  2. It sounds like your subconsciously afraid that your going to lose you daughter and pets. Perhaps you've been going through stressful times and the thought of not being able to support your family has crossed your mind. It doesn't even have to be a conscious thought. Even if it crossed your subconscious mind, it would have still deeply troubled you, and this fear has been building and building, but you've been denying it. Your conscious has been strongly surpressing that thought, and perhaps it still is. That's what dreams are best for, expressing thoughts, feelings or emotions that you've been keeping bottled up. It's a way of bringing the thoughts we dont want to think to the surface.

    This doesn't in anyway mean that your going to lose you daughter and pets. It just means that deep down, your secretly afraid of it happening, and it's okay to be afraid. Fear is the human mind's biggest motivator.

    Hope this helps!!


  3. This is quite confusing, it could have many meanings.

    Firstly, you could be subconsciously paranoid or worried that somebody or something is going to take your daughter, cat and dog away from you (or just other things that you own). Maybe your subconscious is worried that they're going to die, or run away, get kidnapped, or something else. If that is the meaning it's probably just your paranoia, especially if your daughter is very young, which could indicate that you're not quite sure how to handle her or have a secret fear of messing up.

    Another meaning could be that you feel that something or someone in your life is causing you pain, and/or holding you back from things that you want to do (this is represented by the woman who won't give your pets and child back). You could also feel in your subconscious that your rights as a human aren't being given to you in some way.

    As for the fact that, in your dream, the woman couldn't care less about your feelings, this may indicate that you're worried people aren't going to care about you or help you when you're in times of need.

  4. It seems that your signals to the fact that you are not able to spend much time with your kids and loved ones. It was more of an internal fear as you love them the most. This particular dream was triggered from the fear that you have for not spending enough time with family. Irony is that you know it, think about it and it seems that you are also bound with the work.

    The only thing that I can suggest you is not to worry because I am sure that your family does understand your problrm. You are a very sensitive man. Try meditating and that will give you the inner peace that you need.

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