
Anyone feel the UFC loses credibility with the ultimate fighter?

by Guest61870  |  earlier

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It seems like the UFC is stacking its ranks with fighters from a T.V show, anyone think fighters should work their way up? I think a fighter who worked up the hard way would destroy these fighters who breaks




  1. I think some of them are especially when they only have a few fights and do stupid things like tear up the house.  Some of them do have 8-12 fights and so that is good and those ones seem to be the more mature ones and fighters that I would be more apt to offer a $100,000 contract to.  I just can't picture myself as a promoter entering into a contract with some of them that are as immature and inexperienced as they are.  I guess the real test will be when one of those individuals wins the contract and what he does with it and how far he goes with his career.

  2. The Ultimate Fighter put the UFC on the map period.If it wasnt for that show they would've went belly up which would suck because look at it now and look at MMA all around it's every where and accepted by way more now than back in 2004. I like how they give the liitle guy a shot,whats wrong with that,look at Marcus Davis,Forrest,Koscheck,Ken Flo,and Bisping they're all either world ranked or tops in their division,Dana is just giving back to the sport,the fans,and fighters who you might not ever see who can really mix it up,they've all worked hard in my opinion,they atrent coming right in fighting for belts or top fighters like Wand,Chuck,Fitch,Ken Flo,Marquardt,Mir,or Franklin are they,no they have to earn their keep just like every other fighter

  3. I don't know but I definetly lost what little respect I did still have for most of them with how thye trashed the house. I mean it is not their property, and it is just wrong. Anyone who was responsible for any of the destruction should be given a choice to pay damages or get kicked off the show.

    I think stuff like this gives the UFC a far bigger black eye then using fighters fom the show. I think it also re-enforces the image many have of MMA fighters as disrespectful goons.

  4. No, in short.  The ultimate fighter is for GREAT fighters that have no name yet.  as we have seen in the past, ultimate fighter contestants end up being good in the UFC.  I'm not even going to try listing them all there are so many.

    I dont think people are looking at ultimate fighter like "Man they are just trying to rig the business to get more of their guys in the mainstream"

    i dont think thats the case.

    this is the first ultimate fighter season that i actually took the time to watch most of it.  And i am far from impressed with their entertainment ability/ inability, however you wanna put it.

    - malferds

  5. ultimate fighters are giving some people chance to make name for themselves. and it is also buisiness for ufc. and they do to get more people's attention

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