
Anyone find a legitimate work at home job in Missouri?

by  |  earlier

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I developed a leg ulcer and can't work outside of the home. I need to get income from a work at home job HELP!




  1. I'm actually looking for the same thing (also in Missouri), so if you find something, let me know.  I have tried different MLM/direct sales companies, but I guess I don't have what it takes to be successful (and I do personally know people who have been successful with these).  I've also tried the survey thing and, but never got enough to actually have a check sent.  I have done a couple of mystery shops, but those don't pay much unless you are in a bigger metropolitan area, because even though the shops only take a short amount of time, they don't pay a lot per shop, and you have to do a lot to make any money at it.  I'm going to check out the website listed above (, and I tried to email the answerer, but her profile doesn't allow email or im contact, so if you (the answerer) sees this, maybe you can change that.  Anyway, some of the things I've seen people be successful at you can find at the following websites:, or, and (great toys if you or someone you know has kids).  I also do things on my computer to earn a little extra cash now and then (create greeting cards, etc), as well as eBay.  Good luck, and I'll let you know if I come up with something else.

  2. thee are lots at they can be done all over the world actually.

  3. check this link its good



  4. I live in Missouri and work from home. There is a website that has tons of legit work at home jobs. I found one about 3 months ago selling B2B. I currently make $400-600 a week working about 20 hours a week. There is another one I do as well calling people for surveys where I make about $200 a week. (You can email me for info on those two jobs, if you would like) DO NOT WORK FOR REPS FOR RENT!!! I worked for them for 4 weeks, should've been paid $1275, never saw a penny. Now, I have been paid by both of my current companies so there is no worry. Mommy Essentials guarantees that you will never have to pay for a job. They have telemarketing, data entry, s*x phones, anything you can think of doing from your own home. (I have a friend that does s*x phone operations from home making $1200-1500 a week, she's worked there for 2 months and has never brought home less than $1000. My husband won't let me do this, or I would be there in a minute!)

  5. Check out...

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  6. Hi, I use for my job, that site is the best place for making money online.

    I wish you success

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