
Anyone find a trick for getting kids' fingernals clean?

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My son's fingernails are dirty all the time from playing outside. The only time they get clean is if the nails are really short and he's in the tub for a long time. (By the way, he won't let us clip very easily either!!) My nails get clean from scrubbing while washing my hair. Has anyone found a trick that a 3-year-old will do?




  1. Put a stool up to the kitchen sink and let him wash his plastic jungle animals.  Lots of bubbles and references to the animals' "watering hole".  Give him brushes, spoons, measuring cups, etc.  Put a big apron on him, but of course he'll be wet and so will the kitchen floor, but it helps the floor get clean too.

  2. there are animal kids nail brushes that make it fun to scrub under nails.

    i found mine at a right start store.

  3. make sure you keep them clipped, and at bath time use a nail brush.

    I copied a link that shows you what one looks like, you can probably pick them up from a dollar store for $1.00 or at super center/drugstore for about $2.00.

    I have always had one from nail care kits from Mary Kay and Avon.

  4. Washing the hair is a good idea. You might try using a soft bristle toothbrush and tell him to brush his nails like he brushes his teeth.

  5. Good luck on this one.

    My son, who is also three, is in the same situation.  His nails are always dirty and he doesn't like his nails trimmed, either.

    I do try to keep them short, they seem to need trimmed every week or so.

    Try keeping him occupied while you clip them, pop in a video or something.

    I have tried telling him to wash/scrub his hair.  That works a little.  What about getting a nail brush and trying that?

  6. let him wash his hair.

    you need to take control, you are the parent.  so keep his nails short and wash his hands often.  Also, on most nail clippers, there is the little thing that you can use to clean under the nails (I dont know if that is what its for, but thats why i use it!)

  7. They came out with a nail brush a bit ago that works well....They are normally bright colors and are shaped as a looks like a brush...and all you do is get it wet...then add soap and brush the nails! It works magic!!

  8. Hygene became very important for my nephew at age three when we told him that dirty little boys didn't get to go places like the amusement park, playground and child-oriented restaurants.  We only had to get him a sitter once.   After he saw his happy sisters come back with toys and stuffed animals he would let us clean him up if he thought it was to go out.

    That also worked with getting him to toilet train.  Diaper babies do not get to go places because the bathrooms are too far apart.

  9. just cut them off convince him to let you

  10. When I was little & in the tub,

    my mom would make me help scrub the shampoo in my hair

    in hopes of it cleaning out the grime from under my nails.

    It seemed to work.

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