
Anyone for <span title="riddles????????????????????????????????">riddles??????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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A man had twelve toothpicks in front of him. He took one away. Now he had nine in front of him. How is this possible?




  1. Easy.

    When he had twelve in front of him, they were arranged in no particular order. When he took one away, the remaining eleven were in the shape of a number 9.

  2. the other 2 toothpicks were stuck on the one that was took away.

  3. ditto on every one else

  4. yeah the first girl is most likely right

  5. um..

    the letters were arranged into the word nine.

    I\I I I\I E

  6. hiye....

    oh dam someone already got it!!!

  7. Somebody else took the other two - probbly one of those female persons who just can&#039;t stand a mess on the table


  8. I don&#039;t know. But my answer would be the first girl&#039;s answer. =)

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