
Anyone from around the gulf coast.....hurricane gustav?

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are yall staying to rough it out....if so what are you doing to prepare for the storm....if your leaving where are you going? im sooo nervous....i think i might have to stay because i dont have alot of money to go anywheres.....all i have so far is a full tank of gas




  1. go north to a shelter.... maybe St. Landry Parish. its free. they also provide food and all this.........dont ride it out for lack of money

  2. You have to go north.  You HAVE to.  Get to a shelter at least 20 miles inland.

    I lived through Hurricane Ivan and we left.  One neighbor stayed and almost got killed.  Don't risk it.  Get out. Please.

  3. Staying in New Orleans, on the west bank.  We have enough fuel for a week, and can store as much more if it looks bad in the morning.  We filled our deep freeze, have bottled water, propane, charcoal,and ammunition.

    We built a building, off the ground, with a tall attic.  We have life vests, whistles, and a small boat.  

    The windows will be boarded tomorrow, and the whirly birds removed from the roof. The trees are staked, and tied.  The wood fences have been braced.  Both attics have axes in them.

    If you are not prepared for the worst: GET OUT.  The city will give you a free train ride to Memphis.  Go to Graceland, and have a good time.  Take advantage of the free evacuation, and shelters.   If this hits bad, people will die, many people.  Don't be one of them.

  4. definitely find a shelter, it's not worth risking your life for.

  5. This time around there are many shelters being opened and many evac plans. I don't know where you are exactly but am sure your community has plans for shelters unless you are in the New Orleans area. Check with your local Red Cross or local authorities and they can tell you the best to do. I am no longer down there as Katrina did me in but am watching it from up here in Canada. Somehow that doesn't make me feel any better as I worry about all of you down in the path of the storm. But do check with your local authorities on your best plan of action.

  6. im leaving tonight at 5 and heading to destinn... hopefully all is well back home while im gone (im fron new orleans) and if you have to stay just be prepared have food, water, and flashlights. good luck and stay safe  

  7. If you have a full tank of gas.. get out and drive away from the coast.  Pack up food and water and whatever else you can.  Just go!

  8. I'm from Mobile, I'm staying here but I'm also going to get supplies tomorrow

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