
Anyone from darwin please answer. what is the weather like in june? are any of the waterfalls still running?

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Anyone from darwin please answer. what is the weather like in june? are any of the waterfalls still running?




  1. In June it is the dry season and it is 33 and sunny everyday, there is no rain sometimes is there is a short shower in the middle of the night, but not often.

    The water falls still run but not as full on as the wet, but they are still fantastic, the water seeps out of the rock in the dry to form the water falls in the parks, Litchfield and Kakadu.

    June is the main tourst season and more of the parks are accessable during the dry there are also water holes that you can swim in during the dry.

  2. June is winter & if it rains waterfalls will run but with the drought here it may not rain

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