
Anyone from mexico ?

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ok so my bf is from mexico but he went back so i need help because i want to go visit him, he live in chipas. he told me that some areas arent safe can you please tell me which places arent safe for americans




  1. when are you going?  

  2. Most places in Mexico are quite safe...esp. if you use common sense and do not have anything to do with drug dealers.  If he wants to have you visit him, he needs to tell you what city to fly into and he needs to meet you there.  There are many Americans in all parts of Mexico, and they are perfectly safe.

  3. The thing its that in Chiapas are a lot of army conflicts who fights in pro of the aborigens rights,it must occur in the small towns  but now its getting into the big cities of the state.

    I really dont have too much information about this, you should investigate a little more of the conflict and later take your desition about going or not.

  4. What Charlie states is correct.

    Could not tell what you age is. If you are under age you probably should not go without your parents.

    If you are of age, your boy friend will be able to tell you about where he is living (Chiapas is a state, some areas are much safer than others) and if it is safe.

    He could be telling you that it is not safe because he prefers for you not to come, but then you should know him better that the people on Yahoo Answers.

    This is my help from Washington, D.C. United States of America.
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