
Anyone get actual physical symptoms of ovulation besides temp spike? ?

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Okay, I woke up exhausted today, and realized I had done the same thing last month right after ovulation. I'm 3 months off of birth control and have calculated my ovulation, using the regular calendar method as I haven't yet purchased a BBT or been able to check my cervix for EWCM(I can't figure that one out, no matter how much reading I do, I just can't seem to reach). But one or two days post calculated ovulation I wake up exhausted, my nipples are extremely tender, and I can hardly drag myself from bed to the couch to sit with my toddler, lol. It just occured to me that it's becoming a pattern, so I was wondering if any other women have noticed a similar type deal with their own cycles, and if so, did it occur right after ovulation or at a different time each month(maybe I don't have a normal cycle?). I plan on checking with my ob, soon as I get one(we moved), but just wondering if anyone else had that experience? Thanks!




  1. Feeling tired is pretty common sign when progesterone rises after ovulation.

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