
Anyone get their 2007 income tax return form yet ???

by  |  earlier

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how are we supposed to file taxes if we dont get the form ???? and i think they said not to use the 2006 form - i cant wait to file i used to 2006 form just to have an idea of what my taxes will look like and im going to be rich - i will be entitled to a 14 cent refund ha ha ha




  1. Anybody ha change for meh to buy ah penacool??

  2. lmao go treasury an change dat cheque gyal...lmao

  3. the forms eh ready not even de online version ready. ah hope dey know meh eh paying NO late fee.

    But wha have meh blasted vex is dey tek way de d**n credit union deduction ah want to cuss baaaaad.

    Yuh cud imagine de look on de cashier's face when yuh go to get yuh 14 cents... yuh might get cuss eh.

  4. sweet T&T!   Where else!

  5. say thank God is not 1 cent.  i dont know why dey does spend all dat money to do ah check for demm kinda small change.  hear what...sign d back and put yuh id info and deposit it, cause yuh know what....dat 14 cents is YOURS. and yuh work d**n hard for it. lol. imagine how dem cashiers going and call everybody to see d person coming to change ah check for 14 cents lol.

    having said that, no dey ent send out the income tax return form yet....and ah still waiting to get meh TD4 slip from meh blasted employer.  ah ent know what dey wait on.  ah hoping meh refund is ah little more than dat 14c oui. if ah getting ah refund at all.

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