
Anyone give whole milk early?

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My son is 10 1/2 months old....he's still breast feeding...but I'm wondering when everyone gave whole milk...and how their little one took to it?




  1. I know I will get some thumbs down for this but...Babies with no history of lactose intolerance in there family can have whole milk at 6 months...My daughter has been eating yogurt since she was 6 months ( and she loves it and has had no problems)  I have not given her whole milk since I stopped breast feeding when I went back to work and went to formula but I have given her sips..

  2. My daughter was breastfed. I had a bad car reck when she was 6mo old. My mom had no choice. She gave her regular milk for a week. She was okay. She was already on some solids.

  3. In Canada, they say you should introduce whole milk anywhere between 9 and 12 months.  My baby is on formula, but the other day I was at my aunt's house and forgot the bottle.  We just gave him a sippy cup full of whole milk.  He absolutely loved it, drank the entire thing!!!  If he doesn't want to breastfeed anymore, I don't see why you would put him on formula for a month and a half.  Personally, I think whole milk is okay at this age unless he still wants to breastfeed, then just keep it up as long as both of you want to!

  4. Along time ago thats what some babies where on. (Never hurt them. LOL)

    But 1 is the age to start adding it in slowly.

  5. I was talking to my grandma and she had 8 children, back then that was around average (just kidding, lol) but she told me that once the baby stopped taking the breast they went right on to cows milk, right from the cow in the back of course, my uncles and anties are all healthy and have no serious health concerns. You are the judge to when you should give cows milk. Try it in a sippy cup and see how it goes!♥♥♥

  6. wait until he is 1 year old. Most babies do just fine on it and give him whole milk until he is at least 2 years old.

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