
Anyone go to college locally? I don't what to do about my best friend?

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I go to college about 30 minutes away from my town. I live on campus during the school year. It is really hard because everyone else at school is from out of state or area. It is like trying to live a double life all school year. To make my friends at school happy and at home as well. It is a lot of stress and pressure and I am not sure how to juggle it. I just want to have a normal college life but keep my friendship strong with my best friend? combining the two doesn't work any advice? how do I manage both?




  1. well when you leave college those friends will be gone but the ones from home will still be there so i might make sure that you dont burn that bridge. try getting them together maybe

  2. I also go 30 minutes away, and all my friends go to other universities or colleges farther. I am a junior now and I must say- I completely understand your situation. I have only made 2 close friends at my college, and one I go on vacations with! So I would rather have 2 close friends than 30 who are just acquaintances, I am sure you understand what I mean. Do you see your best friend during the summers? If so, I hope you spend as much time as you can. Best friends are tested by distance, as are lovers. Best of luck to you.  

  3. Have designated friend days, like on certain days hang out with your school friends and then on other days hang out with your other friends.

  4. I attended college 15 minutes from my parents' home.  We pretended I lived 500 miles away so I could experience some independence.  College is a full-time job, and should really be a full, fantastic experience.  If your old friends are also going to college, they should understand as they're facing the same pressures.  You should be able to get together on breaks and go out for a birthday from time to time without losing ties.  If they don't go to school they may have a much more difficult time understanding, but it's very important to dedicate yourself to school, both academically and socially.  Make your "old" friends feel special when you're able to spend time with them.

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