
Anyone going to Peru?

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I'm going to Peru on April 1 with 2 friends. None of us have ever been there before but we've been doing a lot of research. We don't really have anything planned for after we get there, we're hoping to backpack around the country and stay in very inexpensive hostels. I'm really hoping we will meet other travelers who might know what they're doing a little more than us... Is anyone else going to Peru in April? Or does anyone know of any websites devoted to travel where I could find other people going at the same time? Thanks!




  1. There is plenty to do in Peru for people just like yourself. The beaches and restaurants in Lima are great. Lima is the modern side of Peru. Since backpacking in your thing, then going to Cuzco/Machu Picchu  is a must. In Cuzco, there's Saqsaywaman, which is an area that has several beautiful ruins to explore. You can rent horses there and see them on horseback. Of course there's always the Inca Trail that thousands of people hike every year. It's about a 4 day hike. If you go with a tour company, it can be expensive. On the eastern side of Peru there's the Floating Islands in Lake Titicaca. People build islands out of reeds and then build houses and little communities right there on the lake.

    Personally, I lived in Arequipa for 2 years. Arequipa is a beautiful place. You can visit Colca Canyon, which is the deepest canyon in the world (about twice as deep as the grand canyon).

    There's honestly too much to name here. Peru is one of the most incredible countries I've ever been to. I used to help tourists all the time. You can backpack from desert landscapes though the jungle. You won't have a hard time finding something to do when you get there, I assure you! (By the way, most of the hotels are very inexpensive)

  2. Someday i will!

  3. I am going in June/July with two friends. I have a really good friend who is from Lima (she's not going with me), and she helped me to plan out the trip. She said it's better not to do a whole tourist package thing, but to plan it all separately (cheaper and you have more freedom). Here's our tentative itinery:

    Fly from California to Lima (TACA airline seems to be the cheapest). Stay in Miraflores (touristy part of Lima) or Barranco (bohemian/artsy area of Lima).

    Stay in Lima for 1-2 days then fly to Cusco. Stay at Hostal El Balcon ( which is supposed to be a really good place. Acclimate ourselves and then take train to Machu Picchu.

    After Macchu Picchu, head to Manu which is a jungle/indigenous town at the border of the Amazon. Not sure how long we'll be there.

    Then fly back to Lima and head home. The whole trip will be 7-10 days long.

    Here is a blog you can read about three other girls who made the trip to Peru and did a lot more (went to Lake Titicaca and Arequipa): They wrote down all their travels and included pictures. It was cool to read and helpful - but long!

    Other things to know:

    - Northern Peru has a Carribean like atmosphere and great beaches.

    - Lucuma - fruit used in dessert that you must try.

    - Pisco Sour - popular drink you'll no doubt try :)

    - Nazca lines - awesome to see if you have the money and time!

    Too bad you aren't going in June/July! It'd be nice to meet up with fellow travelers, but I'm sure you'll meet many good people. My friend recently moved to Patagonia, Chile and she'll be meeting us in Peru. Should be fun!!

  4. The other answers here give great ideas on what to do and see while in Perú. You will be able to try new dishes, meet new people, and have experiences you will remember for the rest of your life.

    While in big cities (like Lima), remember that the most important thing you can do is to always remain aware of your surroundings. Do not carry lots of expensive personal belongings, and be smart with what you do end up taking with you on a daily basis. Many people In Perú are kind, but as in any country there will be some looking to take advantage of those who stick out as tourists.

    I am 20 and have been living in Lima for almost 2 years (I am originally from Georgia, US). If you feel that you need any help or just some advice while you are here, you can send me an email to and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

    I really hope that you and your friends have a wonderful trip. Perú is truly a unique country.

  5. good sites

  6. Yes, but not in April. I have a 4-day trip scheduled for Lima, Peru in June. Unfortunately, its business/work-related.

    As for travel-devoted forums, try any of the ones i listed below.

  7. wow there is a lot to do, if you want parties go to this website and it will list the popular restaurants/clubs in Lima

    if you want history and culture, obviously the colonial town in Lima will do it maybe for 1 day, then fly to Cuzco and learn about Machupichu

    for the adventurous, surfing, waterrafting you are better off in Lima and Piura

    if you want the Amazon, then you should go to Iquitos

    more culture? the Nazca lines and the lake titicaca and you will find the Urus there (native indians)
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