
Anyone going to the daytona reptile expo next weekend?

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Anyone going to the daytona reptile expo next weekend?




  1. Ooooh, I would LOVE to go to a reptile expo/show/exhibit thingy! I live down south (AR) so we don't get too many of them in the area and when we do I usually get stuck working all day. =(

    If you see anything interesting for bearded dragons, buy it for me!!! LOL

  2. It would take a category 5 hurricane to keep me from the National Reptile Breeders Expo!  It's been my birthday present to myself for years, the one time I actually go somewhere and do something for myself and not the rest of the family.

  3. Gonna have to look at the gasoline situation before then, but as long as there's go-juice in the car, I'm there. It'll be my daughter's first one... she won't remember it, but still...

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