
Anyone going to vietnam this summer!!?

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wat r u goin to do there!!

with who?

bring me back souveneirs!! JK




  1. I will be going back to Vietnam as soon as my wife's visa is approved, which looks to be in July or August. I will miss FlightMed's window of being there. OngJon is there right now, but will return before I get there. Perhaps Rick M and I can travel together and make plans for a new Saigon weight loss tour package for fat Americans!

    I will fly into Tan Son Nhat where my wife will meet me. We will go to our house, lock ourselves in our bedroom and not come out until we catch up on being apart for months.

    My wife and I will be going on our honeymoon before I bring her back to America. Our only set plan is to visit Hoi An for a couple days. After that, we will bop around South Vietnam for a couple weeks and eventually end up in Quang Tri.

    In Quang Tri, I will review a humanitarian project that I helped fund. Project RENEW and my Rotary Club established a micro-loan program to help families affected by unexploded ordinance. I will met six of the families that this project has helped better their lives. One family is a mother and three children who's father and oldest son died from a bomb explosion. Afterwards, it's Hanoi by train.

    One place we will certainly not visit is Vinh, because I hate that place with a passion. I almost got arrested there for taking a picture of a 60' tall statue of Ho Chi Minh that was lit up like a Christmas tree. Thank God I speak Spanish, because I was able to confuse the cops enough that they let me go. My wife intends to lower the blinds in our sleeper cabin as we pass through Vinh so I don't profoundly display naked parts of my body as we pass through.

    In Hanoi, we will visit the hundreds of relatives we have there. I also plan to visit places in Hanoi that is not typical tourist destinations. There is a restaurant that serves ban cuon (which is my favorite food) and I will gorge myself until I pass out. I will visit Bia Toi Tiep (a.k.a. Bia Toilette) for fine dining and beer drinking with my wife. Time allowing, we might look at a few houses that we may consider for purchase soon.

    After Hanoi, we will go to Thai Binh to visit my family's temple. We have to be there for a family ceremonial thing, and I'm looking forward to the awesome food that will be served after the ceremony! On another day, we will go to Trinh Quan (???), which is my wife's hometown. The province officials are good friends of my wife's family, and soon will be good friends with me after I introduce them to my friend Jack Daniels. We probably won't do much more in North Vietnam, because my wife's from there and I've seen just about everything there is to see in that part of the country.

    We will fly back to Saigon, and spend the rest of my stay there. My wife and I love to go on adventures, so we will likely hop on a bus, end up somewhere in the middle of Saigon and work our way back to our house there.

    We will be packing my wife's entire life in our suitcases for the trip back to America. I'll see about sliding a post card into my baggage for you as a souvenir.

  2. We will be in Vn in 18 days.  We are staying a month.  3 weeks in Hue and 1 week in Hanoi.  

    The list of what we are going to do is long.  We will be enjoying the great restaurants, friends, relatives, scenery, beach and just setting around hoisting a few beers.  Can't hardly wait to get there again.  Cheers.

  3. Me me me! I am going to Vietnam this summer. We are having my sister's wedding there. Most of our family and relatives are going to Vietnam to celebrate. Vietnamese weddings are always so exciting and bustling with a lot of people. I really can't wait! Are you going to Vietnam this summer too? Maybe we will invite you to the wedding. ; D

  4. No.

    I just came back from Vietnam, my advised to you are not to go to Vietnam at this summer, because it's going to be rain, and rain and keep rain.

    Any ways good luck if you go

  5. I'm going on June 30 to July 26. Which makes me a bit sad because I'll miss the 4th of July. I'll be going everywhere in Vietnam except for Hanoi and the north.

  6. never been in Vietnam but i'm going this august with my family and we are gonna tour Vietnam from south to north can't wait

  7. I'm going at the end of July. My wife and I are having our first child together (a son). If you want a postcard, e-mail me. If you want a "blue ribbon" cuban, come see me in Boston !

  8. I'm going for the 2nd time in life this summer. Im going to stay in Vietnam for 1 month. Hope u have fun and so to everybody too.

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