
Anyone good at QuickBooks?

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Can I get some advise on the Bank Reconciliation portion of it?




  1. To clear an item you just click on it.  A checkmark appears to the left.

    To get rid of the July transactions, there's a box (upper right in QB 2008) you can check to "hide transactions after this month".  Something like that - I forget the exact wording.

  2. Also, when you memorize or save the report, choose detailed.  Then in you date fields leave the first block empty and in the second block, choose the last date for which you want to see transactions.  In your case, that would be June 30th.  Then on the report, you will only have transactions through June 30th.

  3. You would have to be more specific about which part you need help on.

    Opening Balance?

    Ending Balance?

    Checkmarks beside the Checks?


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