
Anyone good at advice? could you please help me out!

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I’m in a bit of a deadlock situation right now,

I’m stuck in a school which just isn’t right for me.

- To be honest, it’s a nerd school.

I genuinely don’t know how I got in to it, but that’s another story. (I started this school January ’08)

Anyway, I’m finding that I’m way out of my depth, the work is so hard and the homework is so demanding, the curriculum is ridiculous and the subjects are so hard! They offer all the really hard science and maths subjects, whereas they completely ignored humanities or the arts, which is a problem as I’d love a career in journalism or a music or language teacher.

- Maths, chemistry, physics, biology etc. are my worst subjects

- English, music, art, history, geography, sport/nutrition etc. are my best subjects

The people there are VERY study focused – to a level that’s really extreme. I don’t find I get along with them easily. They’d much rather stay at home and study than go shopping on the weekends.

I don’t think I’ll get a good final score if I’m doing the subjects I hate/aren’t good at. And that will limit my career choices.

Problem is, I don’t feel I could go back to my old school. That just isn’t an option for me right now. I genuinely don’t feel I could go back – for a number of reasons that I’m not going to blab on about. So I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place – I can’t go back to my old school, I don’t want to stay at my current school, and I really don’t want to go to a new school (I have changed quite a few as we’ve travelled and lived in many different places).

I’m in Grade 10, and have two years of school left.

Can anyone help me out? Give me some advice? It would be much appreciated.




  1. well

    wud u ratha stay at this school

    go back to ur old one

    start a new one?

    if ur old one is worse then a new one and the current one den elipmanate dat possibility completely

    in ur current school

    there has to be sum1 that lieks to aprty

    they just dnt show it

    all i can say is

    study more...

    and try to be more social all thsoe school focued people... depp inside they are party ppl also

  2. ,its really hard doing you really don't. like i felt the same way too.

    but why don't you try to enjoy those subjects.if you just know how important it is .i swear to you you will start to like it and love it!!!!!!!

    if you need to go another hard thing for you and you will have a good final score.what do you think?

  3. read the book, its kind of a funny story, the book summary dosnt sound like this. but the whole book really is about how he gets stressed about school, well. and depression. he ends up findy that art makes him not so stressed. so he drops out of his super hard high school, and goes to a high school for like artistic people.

  4. Well, you're inevitably going to have to make a decision that you don't like.

    I don't see why you can't go back to your old school. I'm going to assume that it's because of stupid drama. If that is the case, who cares? Quite frankly, your education is more important than your social life.

    Do what you think will benefit your adult life and education the most.

  5. hey i can understand you dont wanna change schools but your saying you dont like the school your in and you dont wanna go back to the old one...the way i see it you can suck it up and go back to the old one ignoring whatever embaressing//or bad things happened there.....stick it out at this one and spend all your time studying to make sure you get good grades or......go to a new school if thats a real option for you and your family which it seems it may be from the amoutn you seemed to have changed schools in the past....look if you are planning on going to college i would say go back to your old sure you have friends there and it would be easier than starting something new, dont worry about what your grades are right now, yes it important to do well...but you can really excel in college when you have chosen your career path and are taking all the classes that you want to be taking.

  6. Sometimes, you just have to deal with it. When i was 14, going to school in Lille, France, I didn't want to leave. I loved that school, but I had to come back to america, where I went to high school in a random state (virginia), a very preppy high school. Hated it there, but had no choice, and persisted and did what i needed to do and go through it. But then again, I could also tell you if you're not going to to do well in school, don't waste your time going you know wha ti mean>

  7. darling, it sounds like that school is all wrong for you, both socially and academically. i know how hard it is to change schools, ive been a military brat all my life, never staying in the same place longer than a year. its difficult! but whats most important right now is your education and if what you want to be when you get older is arts-oriented, then thats what you need to focus on! you need to find a school that caters to people like you, because maths, sciences, history and all that are important to a certain degree. but they dont apply to what YOU want to be and YOU are the most important. so, if you're absolutely adamant about not switching schools, then work hard in this one. give up the shopping on the weekends, or go by yourself or make new friends outside of school who arent so "nerdy". in school, try hard in all your classes (because all the grades will be relevant to your resume and college applications) but try the hardest in the classes you're best at. put your all into your artistic passion, and i promise you it will pay off.

    good luck, darling!

  8. That sounds like my school *is shocked* my education is just like yours that you described. My school is way competitive so what I do is just be one of those that get sucked into it. I get pretty frustrated at times but in the end everything still works out for me :)

  9. your current school doesn't have any art classes or such?

    Maybe you should talk to your parents about it, or when school starts go see the school's counselor and talk about your choices and if the next semester you should switch schools to support your career goal?

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