
Anyone good at interpreting dreams?

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I had a really wierd dream. A man was hanging from his knees from a beam infront of a huge waterful with cliffs all around it. He had a red flag behind him with blue stars on it. I didnt know what the flag stood for but i knew the guy was a really good guy. He was hanging from the beam as a stunt which he had been tricked into doing by an evil man who knew he was going to fall. All around the cliff tops were people who were excitedly waiting for him to fall to his death. i was on a platform at the mans level and I was looking him in the face while he hung there. I was really scared at how high up we were and really didnt want the man to fall.He wasnt scared and kept a nutral look on his face the whole time. It seemed so vivid and strange im sure it was symbolic. Anyone good at interpreting dreams?




  1. Could mean many different things. It could mean that you are going to be tested about your fear of heights (i.e. you will have to conquer your fear of heights to save someone); the flag could be a symbol for a country or organization; you can be harboring resentment against someone for a betrayal (the evil man and people waiting for the good man to fall) who will appear in your life again and you will have to save someone from falling prey to that person; your friend may have connections with dangerous people that he may need your help to get away from; and you may be fearing for someone that has a fear of heights that may need to conquer their fear to save someone...... it could also be because you read or watched too much t.v. before you went to bed. Our unconscious mind when we are sleeping usually replays events that happened during the day that we saw or read or that we are especially worried about.

    hope any of this rambling helps!

  2. Do you have a male friend who is in the military? Do you have any family members who are in the military? If so, this is what the flag in the background of the man could represent - a male of yours who is in the military, or who has been associated w/ the military & your close & deeply emotional relationship w/ him.

    I say that there is an intense connection w/ this man (and therefore who he represents) because of the waterfalls in the background, water is symbolic of emotions in dreams, and your water was pouring over in the most classic romantic symbol of water equaling/relating to love.

    Tradition has it that if a young girl dreams of a man who bears a flag she will soon fall in love with a soldier.

    When you see flags in dreams that you cannot recognize, this means that there will be outside interference on yourself & your enterprises. Ironically the character of your man was drawing sympathy from you to help him, because you knew he was good, you even feared for him. The alternative to a flag & interference, is a flag & having to aid your friends, or having your friends aid you in some kind of difficult task or personal issue.

    Sometimes when we dream of other people we are actually portraying ourselves. In other words the other people in the dream are actually duplicates of us, and the different aspects & characteristics we possess. Do you feel like you are being persecuted for something in which you know you are absolutely 100% right, and the others are wrong?  Are others waiting for your demise (waiting for you to fall to your death from the cliffs)?

    Be careful of tricky people, this dream warns, because the man was tricked into the position of inevitable falling, and you were there with him. His calm disposition tells you to remain calm though and that you will get through whatever it is which is bothering you.

    You might want to do some research on the Fool card in the tarot deck - the man and the way he was hanging upside down, and the reasons for his hanging upside down in your dream, oddly relate to the Fool card in the Tarot deck.

    Hope this helped.

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