
Anyone good at reading body language? What does this mean?

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There is a guy in a band who always looks at me when we're out to see them, my sister says he watches me a lot. Well I was video taping the band and when I played it back at home, he will look over at me and my camera, then his eyes roll over to where my sister is dancing with her friend. Then later he looks back at me again.

does he like me, or is he liking my sister? He did watch her dance some.




  1. Perhaps he's fascinated by the difference between you and your sister? That's tough to say whether he's into one or both you of based solely on that. Do you know him personally? Why don't you attempt to strike up a conversation after the show or not. I think that's the only way to truly know what's up. :)  

  2. He is interested in one of you.

  3. god thats hard!!!! i think it could be your sister though....very hard to say tho! definetely one of you!

  4. He likes you, otherwise he would have kept watching your sis.

  5. Well, it is hard to say without being there to see it happen.

    First, you have to take into consideration that you were videotaping him. If I were in a band I would play it up for the camera as well.

    Second, the other times he has looked at you, was your sister right by you? If so, he may have been looking at her.

    I would say there is a good chance it could go either way.

    The best way to find out is to just be direct.

    Go ask him out.

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