
Anyone good with astrology...?

by  |  earlier

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I was born 29 July 1990

does anyone know where the planets were alligned or something , like i hear all the time people saying like "pluto was in the love zone when i was born so thats why i have an edgy character" and other things like that?...does anyone know wot my planets were?




  1. If you want to know about your birth chart and your planets you would  need to add the time of your birth and the place of your birth.

  2. Yes, you are a 9TH house Leo Sun, Double Scorpio or your Moon as well as your rising sign are in Scorpio. Your Venus is in Cancer and your Mars is in Taurus...if you want the rest I can send you your chart but I will charge you what I do for everyone else.  Sixty five dollars.

    The Scorpio energy is what people are talking about with the "love zone" as well as the edgy character. You love the physical, are unafraid of the "dark" (or the occult) and can be VERY intense.  Your entire chart is complicated and that is why I would charge you for the contents, about 11 pages of print plus postage and handling.

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