
Anyone got a good system of trying to decide about something?

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im trying to pick my electives for year nine (australian) but im only aloud to pick 2. i want to do 3 history, agriculture and food technology. i like them all but cant decide. anyone got a good system of figuring out how to pick only 2? .e.g. heads or tails which i cant do cause i have 3




  1. Though I honestly dont know what the australian educational curiculum on electives are I do have a system that I use on deciding advance subjects to choose.

    It goes like this:

    1.)I evaluate my progress in math science english and history so I can know my abilities.

    2.)I write down the positives of a subject on one side and negative on another side of a paper,

    I do this to all advance subjects I want to take up

    3.)I rank them in two ways 1.) with the most positives and 2.)with the most negatives from highest to lowest on both

    4.) I select the ones with more positives and to confirm it I look at my previous report card and test scores to proove to myself and if needed to my parents that I am ready to take the top choices.

    5.)Then I prepare intensively ahead fo those subjects. And ambitiously aim very high.

  2. list the present & future Pros and Cons of each elective.

    how is each going to help you in the present, and especially for the future. what are the drawbacks or limitations of each.

    when you have 2 columns on each of the 3 electives & sit down to think, you will come with many points.

    it will also give you a bird's eye view to compare & decide on the best option.

    hope this helps

    all the best always

    EDIT : you may also find out which Combination works better.

  3. you need a decision matrix and they should be available on line. Basically you list your courses across the top and then down the left side you list all the benefits you plan to get from your education. As you go down the left side, you challenge each benefit against each of the three topics you are considering and give each a weighted score. You now total the three columns and the column with the highest score is the course you want first. The next highest score is your second course. you apply a logical plan and let the matrix make the decision for you. Otherwise you are just picking it out of your back pocket

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