
Anyone got a proper example of decisiveness ?

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Decisiveness can be a good quality.

I don't think choosing tea or coffee,

or coffee with or without milk,

or red or white wine,

illustrates decisiveness.

A lot of people think that's being decisive.




  1. Decisiveness comes from the confidence you have gained based on your experience and intelligence plus the discipline to see it through.

  2. got one.

    Qantas plane Thailand.

    Co-pilot committed the plane to land, even though pilot had panicked and wanted to go back up and try again, after nearly touching down. Plane landed without injuries, off the end of the runway.

    (Plane was at risk of running into trees had it not committed to land).

    one more. (18 January 1968, 2am)

    Was going at 80mph near Prospect, coming east into Sydney area. (Way too fast).

    Realised I could not possibly negotiate the curve in the road, sweeping left.

    I felt sorry for the people in the cars I was about to smash into.

    At the last instant, I drove onto the gravel on the left, leaving two wheels on the tarmac, smoothing out the curve just enough.

    am wondering now if it's not all a bit subjective.

    Here's an example I wouldn't say is decisiveness but someone watching might have thought was- Driving north out of Canberra in 1980. Was doing a safe 45mph after my imbecilic 1968 experience. Suddenly felt "cowardly" about driving around the curve in the road, curving right over a crest. Something told me "At the first opportunity drive onto the gravel on the left". So I mentally prepared to do this, although it was a very unusual thing to be doing. As the car was just starting to move to the left, out of my "lane", a car came around the bend, over the double lines, right in front of me, very near. The normal tenth-of-a-second reaction time wouldn't have allowed me enough time to avoid it. But because I was already in "fire and forget" mode I just amplified what I was doing and avoided the car.  Since then, on a couple of occasions, I've opened a door to go out and found someone on the other side coming in, so that we're nearly colliding, and they've said "you look scared". I just scowl at them feigning  contempt and don't tell them it must be a flashback to the car. Or it's a flashback to sports in general, not just motoring, where sometimes you have to manoeuvre to avoid collision.

  3. Have you ever been on a committee?  People interjecting ideas, brainstorming thoughts and plans.  One person takes a mixture of the ideas that have been thrown on the table, she is in a leadership role, and states..."We are going to do this.  We are going to use Sally's idea of ...... and Mike's idea of ...... and we will implement it by .............  Our goal will be to finish the project by .....

  4. maybe.... I think........nah...maybe....

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