
Anyone got an easy way to get to sleep?

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it takes me at least 1-2 Hours...sometimes more.




  1. lie on your back, put both hands on your stomach, breath in and pretend you are inflating a ballon in your tummy.

  2. Practice one of the relaxation methods in sections 2, 11, 2c, or 2i, at and see section 3, on sleep disorders: page O first.            

                            (The following is a variant of Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing therapy, which has been used successfully for those people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, insomnia, and anxiety: it is easily learned, quick to use, yet can be very effective. It is easy to be dismissive of such a seemingly unusual technique, but give it a good tryout, for at least a few weeks, to see if it is effective in your case).

    Prior to using either of the methods in the above paragraph, first sit comfortably, and take a deep breath. Then, without moving your head, move your eyes from the left, to the right, and back again, taking around a second to do so (say: "a thousand and one": this takes approximately a second).

    Repeat this procedure (without the words, although you can count, subvocally, if you like) 20 times: "A thousand and one; a thousand and two... " and so on, to a thousand and twenty. Then close your eyes and relax. Become aware of any tension or discomfort you feel.                      

                     Then open your eyes, and take another deep breath, and repeat step one, closing your eyes, and relaxing afterwards, in the same manner. Then, repeat the procedure one last time. Some people may find that this is all they need do.   With experience, you may find that you can practise this in public, with your eyes closed, which greatly widens the window of opportunity for its use, and avoids attracting unwanted attention. I have found that the 2 - 3 minutes spent using the EMDR markedly reduces distractions to the relaxation process, and is repaid many times over.

    I also use it prior to my chosen relaxation technique, after lights out, at night. For more about Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing therapy, showing recommendations by those who have used it, including a professional psychotherapist with more than 20 years of experience in that field, see sections 33 - 34, at ezy-build. She was skeptical, at first, and I remained unconvinced, until trying it, and now I use it twice daily, including after lights out, at night.

  3. A nice stiff glass of rum. ;)

  4. 2 suggestions:

    1) drink warm is said it makes u sleepy..n then read a book

    2) sleeping pills after consultation of the doctor

    tell me if the 1st option works

  5. Try counting down from 150, just plain black and white numbers, I have NEVER gotten to zero.

    Whenever your mind starts to wander, just keep on counting down.

    If you want make it 300 or something.  

  6. you need more exserczi

    listen to music before you go to bed

    Turn the lamp on instead of heavy Big light

    dont drink tea

    do sudoko or read a book(too tire your eyes)

  7. Hi dude, there are so many ways to sound sleep. You should keep your mind fresh and peaceful. What you do is just before sleeping, drink a glass of milk and walk in the fresh air like on terrace or in the garden for half an hour. Then come back to your room and sit in a straight position and do meditation for 15mins, like think about some peaceful place, like a beach where only you are there and the waves touching you feet, something like that, whihc gives peace to your mind.

    Then lie supine and switch off all the lights and keep thinking of peaceful atmosphere or the days when you were so happy. Then you will get peace as well as sound sleep.

  8. beat yourself in the head with your shoe till it knocks you out.

  9. i some times have the same problem and what i have done  to beat is to just read a book  untill you get tired or just close your eyes and not open them for any thing  dont worry if your mind races just keep your eyes closed and you will feel yourself getting tired and as you stay there with your eyes closed you will eventually go to sleep and not realise it.. but the trick is to keep those eyes closed other wise if you open them you will start to wake up and it will take longer to go back to sleep again .. all the best have a good nicght's sleep

  10. Hypnosis.  Can can either see a hypnotherapist or order hypnosis CD's over the net.  

  11. Back when I was 15 I remember that's when it started maybe younger. But I used to make up stories in my mind about anything cause my mind was racing around to different stuff. I'm 55 years young now and I'm still making up those stories in  my mind. It doesn't take long for me to drift off cause I can't keep the story straight in my mind. Try this, its fun and you are asleep before you know it, sweetie.

  12. Sleeping pills. Turn off all the lights and watch tv or read a book. You'll get tired quick.

  13. When I was having a lot of trouble sleeping due to anxiety I took melatonin. It's a natural sleep aid and it works really good for me, and I like the fact that it's natural so you don't have to worry about the shadiness of sleeping pills. It helps you fall asleep faster, and prevents you from waking up too much in the middle of the night. I never felt drowsy the next day either. The only thing that I would say is it made my dreams a lot more vivid and strange, which didn't bother me lol. You can get it at any drug store near the vitamins/supplments. : )

  14. read a book!

  15. I have 2 ways. First if I am lying in bed and realise I can't get to sleep I am usually thinking about something, work, family something that is keeping my brain ticking over, so I try not to think about something that requires a lot of thought, change to something monotonous and simple that means nothing to you. I usually end up thinking this isn't going to work and then I wake up 8 hours later.

    Second, if I know there is no way I am getting to sleep in the next few hours, I take 2000mg of valerian (natural) OR once a blue moon I have these tablets that are muscle relaxants for my back and they actually help me get to sleep, they aren't sleeping tablets and don't knock you out - dolased. Good luck.

    I just saw your extra info (sorry) you can't be thinking about something if you are counting backwards slowly. Forwards doesn't work. Start at 100 you will find that you stray from counting, back into thinking a number of times, but perservere. I guarantee that you won't get to 0 - well I never have.

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