Ok, so I start Uni in less that 3 weeks and kinda wondering if anyone's got advice they could hand on to me :P
I'm only 17 (18 in oct) so I wouldn't really be able to go out to pubs & clubs anyway, and I don't drink alcohol and have no interest in starting to at Uni either!!
It's just...I come from a small town and my peers at school, well...the majority of them DID drink. Plus I'm the only one outta my group of friends who doesnt drink as well...thing is, I've been treated different for it by people who don't know me before and I don't wanna be alienated at Uni cause of it!!
Anyone any ideas of how to skirt around the issue and survive freshers WITHOUT people bugging me about it?
Or will people be completely different in a city than where I'm from? I've really no idea :|
I've just been reading comments on facebook and practically everyone is complete opposite from me, aargh! Advice would be good :D (UK)