
Anyone got any good Confucius style sayings?

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Anyone got any good Confucius style sayings?




  1. Confucius say man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day.

  2. My Favorite:

    Confucius say "Man who leap off cliff, jump to conclusion."

    My Best Friend's Favorite:

    Confucius say "Man who stand on toilet, high on pot."

  3. Man who handles privates all day not necessarily sergeant.

    He who eats too many prunes,sit on toilet many moons.

    Man with one chopstick go hungry.

    Man who f**t in church sit in own pew.

    Woman who sleep with judge get honourable discharge.

    Woman's charms like spider's web-lead to flies undoing.

    Girl who sit on jockey's lap get hot tip.

    Man who want pretty nurse must be patient.

    Man with hand in pocket always on the ball.

    War does not determine who is right; war determines who is left.

  4. He who laughs last,laughs longest

  5. Confucius say, "Man who lay girl on hill, him not on the level".


  7. We are all god disguised as SATAN

  8. Confucius says - It's better to be cool and dead, than alive and uncool.

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