
Anyone got any good treatments for head lice?

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over the counter treatments dont work i've tryed them all am at my wits end with them my daughter is to she has had them for months now




  1. I had lice a few years ago when I was in high school. My mom and I tried everything from OTC to shampoo from the doctor also. It seemed like nothing we found worked. I had long hair and we were about to have to cut it all off. I was devastated. Then my mom ordered me something off the internet. It worked almost immediately. I remember it having a strong licorice smell. I looked it up and I believe it was HairClean 1-2-3 Head Lice Treatment Kit. It has great reviews. Here is a website to buy it

    Hope this works!

  2. RID usually works, however I had to use a prescription shampoo from the doc to get rid of them. You must comb through every night, even if it does take a couple of hours and use oil/shampoo every night. Clean your linens, brushes, towels, clothes, anything that comes in contact with your head. School will not allow you in if they know about the lice because you are at risk of infecting other students (which is probably how you got them in the first place, from another student). You may need to vacate your home for 3 days to kill any that are living in your home. But be persistant and get rid of them. My daughter had for 3 months & thought I'd go crazy with that at cost approx. $1,000 before they were gone. Good Luck (And yes, they do not like colored or permed hair)

  3. Firstly, if you are in the UK you can get your treatment for free.

    Just tape a couple of the lice to some paper and take them to the chemist, they will fill out a form and give you the stuff for free. I find that Lyclear works the best.

    With a bad infestation you are best saturating the hair with conditioner at least daily, more if its possible. Comb through the hair getting rid of any eggs which are in the hair. If you can get the leave in conditioner that works best, as when it's left in it makes the hair more difficult for the lice to get hold of for them to lay their eggs.

    Try to get your daughter to wear her hair tied back, and explain that she needs to try not to come into very close contact with her friends at school, I know that this is easier said than done, but when my daughter has them for ages, I was told at the chemist that I was probably getting rid of them, then she was getting reinfected at school.

  4. use a LOT of hairconditioner, leave it in for a little while, maybe add a bit of tee tree oel, but not needed, + when hair still wet go through it with nit comb. Repead every so often to make sure all are gone. Also wash towels, T shirts after 1 time using. GOOD LUCK

  5. The best thing to buy is a fairly new product called Hedrin. Available from pharmacies.  My daughter had head lice on and off for most of her time at primary school, I used Permethrin and other products but the lice were still crawling about the next day. Most of my friends had the same experience with their kids.

    Hedrin is non chemical so the lice can't build up a resistance to it like the chemical products. It works by smothering the lice so that they can't breathe, much like using conditioner but its far more efffective.

    You apply it to dry hair and leave it overnight then wash it off. No nasty smells. 7 days later you must apply it again to kill any new lice that hatch out as it doesn't kill "nits" eggs, only breathing lice.

    10 months on we haven't had a single head louse and I can't tell you how good that feels !  

  6. there are products you can buy from the chemists but you can also put white vinegar in the rinsing water. Then comb with a nit comb you can buy also at the chemists

  7. Trouble is her friends probably have them too, and as soon as they play together, so the head lice and nits spread.

    Every one needs to treat their hair at the same time, or they just keep getting passed back and forth.

    I've tried all the treatments, they do work, but they just come back again, as soon as they play with their friends.

  8. Emma,

    You need a really good nit comb and you need some kind of solution that will help to boht killthe lice and dissolve the glue that is holding the nits to the hair shaft.

    Most shampoos will only kill the lice and most combs are too cheap to do a good job of removing all of the nits.

    Also, home remedies are not recommended by most reputable places as the tend to be ineffective.

    One of the best combs I have seen is called the NitFree Terminator in north america and the Nitty Gritty in the UK.  As I am in Canada I can direct you to Canadian and US websites and I think in the UK the comb is in drugstores.  

    NitFree also makes some mousse for getting rid of the nits as do a few other companies.

    Good luck.

  9. I know exactly what you are going through. When my gorgeous niece came home with a dose of head lice from school, we were all quietly horrified, to say the least. I think we did quite well to contain how we felt, but in our own way we never really expected or were prepared for how much it was going to affect all of our lives.

    The ONLY safe way to get rid of head lice permanently is to use a totally natural alternative to the chemical preparations then use prevention methods such as hairspray and tea tree mixed with water in a spray bottle every day to ensure they never return.

    You are right to want to stay away from chemical head lice treatments. No chemical head lice treatment is legally allowed to be labeled as 'safe' as every insecticide is a poison. They also do not work because the head lice have become immune to such products, as you have found out.

    Remedies containing Neem Oil are known to be highly effective as Neem interrupts the growth and reproduction of the head louse. Neem’s insecticidal properties are widely recognized now and the oil is commonly available at your local health food store.

    Feel free to check out the articles at the following site for more advice.

    Good luck.

  10. Treatment: Over-the-counter lotions that contain the chemical permethrin such as Rid and Nix will get rid of the lice. (Talk to your doctor before using any product that contains the chemical lindane, which can be toxic, especially for unborn children.) After washing with the lotion, use a fine-toothed comb to comb out the crabs and their eggs (called nits). All clothing or bedding that may be infested must be washed in very hot water or dry-cleaned. In some cases, clothing, towels, or bedding may need to be washed a few times before they're completely lice-free.

    Please note that I am not a medical professional.

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