
Anyone got any ideas how to remove grease spots off tee shirts - can't wash at 60 degrees

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Anyone got any ideas how to remove grease spots off tee shirts - can't wash at 60 degrees




  1. lye soap

  2. Try putting a blob of fairy washing up liquid on the stain then wash straight away, has worked for me in the past, depends how long the stain has been on there though and whether you have tried anything else beforehand.

  3. no need for stain removers....brown paper, even a brown paper bag will do. Just iron over the bag placed over the grease spot, this absorbes the grease...hope it works, it usually does for me xx

  4. Try putting 'Sweet and Low' over the grease spots, let sit overnight and try washing in the morning. Depending on how long the spots have been there- this usually works for me.  

  5. Try soaking in a strong solution of Soda Crystals which are great for grease, ink, blood, tea and coffee stains. You can buy them for about £1 in most supermarkets.

    They are also great for keeping the washing machine smelling nice and clean. I add a tablespoon in the drawer with the powder about once a week.  

  6. Vanish not the spray the one that looks like a bar of soap worked for me on a grease stain that i had missed and was a few days old good luck

  7. Lestoil

  8. Pine-o-Pine (not pinesol) will remove salt water proof grease so it should remove regular grease.

    1 cup in the wash with cold water after a little rubbed into the stain

  9. oxyclean.

  10. Use Dawn Dishwashing soap; it never fails!!

  11. buy a really good stain remover or take it to the dry cleaners.  

  12. Spray and wash stain stick. Rub it on and let it sit for a couple days. Wash as usual. I have had good luck with this, even on set in stains.

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