
Anyone got any ideas..?

by  |  earlier

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For my A2 sociology course I have to do my own coursework topic and carry a sociological investigation of my choice.

A lot of people are doing like, family or media but I really would like to come up with something a little bit different that I can really enjoy and get interested in.. But I can't really think of anything I would like to do.

Does anyone have any ideas..?





  1. I think some of these listed are fine, though youll likely not be the only one if you do these topics.

    For a change of pace you can do what i did as part of one of my courses, the sociology of genocide. What makes us (on a sociological level) make the choices to attempt to exterminate groups of people? There are a lot of different theoretical and more applied articles you can go with, and if you get out of the holocaust (which is more common for study) your likely to be presenting something that people wont know much about. As far as changing things up and doing a really interesting project, it worked for me at least.

  2. If you have access to Excel and the internet then the entire world is available to you.  You may surf to any governmental website, such as FedStats, and extract raw data therefrom on any number of subjects.  The availability and breadth of the information is astounding, e.g., changes in social class occurring over time, household income changes, tobacco consumption by age, gender, etc.  The possibilities are endless.  Simply take the raw data, devise a theory of your own, for example, tobacco users are similar to those who consume alcohol.  Then, import the data into Excel (the data likely exists), use the Excel add-ins (chi square, correlation coefficients, difference in averages (means), ANOVA, etc.) and write it up.  Be certain to explore a number of variables, e.g., gender, race (ethnicity), residence, income, etc.  That will give you at least enough data for remainder of your time in school.  And, probably an "A".

  3. why not tyr linking culture, family, religion and environmental factors together and evaluate them, e.g. hwo they all work together and what could be a downfall , e.g. with muslims (no offense to any1 who reads this) you could mention about their culture and how their family play abit part in their live along with religion, also with the environmental facotrs you could include ( yet again no offense to any 1 who reads thisbut its a good subject to write about) how they would cope in the street , being victims becuase of what they might wear or trying to get a job.. Not sure if that is a good enuff explanation but i hope it knida helps for you .... good luck with your coursework any way..

  4. Why not investigate the different opinions of two diverse age groups, for example, teenagers and pensioners? Ask them about street crime, and whether the older people have memories of carrying knives or whether it really was a golden age when they could go out with their doors unlocked. Or think of some other question that supposedly reflects changing attitudes: teenage pregnancy, drug use, paedophilia etc. It would be interesting to see if there are differences in society now and in the 40's or 50's.

  5. you should do a report on homeschooling! now that is an interesting topic..

  6. you could look at education and how the classroom is a reflect of the working world - similarities in the working environments or rules etc

    i am doing a project as well but im looking at how the media influences our image perhaps you could look at how violence in the media influences us and could carry out experiments by looking at how the younger generation react to video games

    there are endless choices other options such as attitudes to school, does soaps reflect real life (working class), does factors such as cultural and material deprivation effect your ability at school, are you more likely to get a w/c job if you come from a w/c background etc

    i hope these suggestions are useful

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