
Anyone great at making Cupcakes?? I NEED HELP?

by  |  earlier

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I need help.

I have just made cupcakes, as per recipe, and put them in the oven (fan forced) at correct temp (positioned on the shelf just above the fan) but they didn't come out right... Some are quite egg shaped, and others have an egg shape off sideways...

Please help... Whay am I doing wrong?




  1. What are you doing wrong?  Posting a question about cupcakes  in the "Travel" section.

  2. Wrong category. <*-*>

  3. Oh Missy Missy Missy.

    This is Venice, Italy, not Cupcake Central.

    Put your question in the cooking/baking category for the assistance you are seeking.

  4. Wrong cat but to help you out you cant fan force them you need to cook then with the heat coming from the bottom of the oven like a regular oven does.

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