
Anyone grow up with a parent who was schizophrenic?

by Guest62796  |  earlier

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I know someone who is diagnosed schizophrenic. She is delusional at times. Does not take her medication. She has two children, ages 2 and 3 months. What is it like growing up with a parent with a mental illness? Would you have been better off not living with that parent?




  1. Schizophrenia is a serious illness. If this woman truly has this disorder and isn't taking her meds, she should not be parenting small children. It's very dangerous. Contact someone immediately to help her and those kids.

  2. My moother is probably bi-polar. She takes no medicine.

  3. is that mom urself email me if it is and i could help u! dont hurt ur babys


    I agree with Beanbags. I grew up with a mother with schizophrenia and it was a generally a bad experience, including frightening a lot of the times. Im not bitter about it but it has caused long term damage-I now suffer from a mental health problem myself (depression).

    I think her state of mind, left unmedicated is far too serious for her to be looking after children so young who are extremley vulernable.

    You need to pass your concerns to social services or a health professional and inform them that the mother is not always supervised as she is meant to be.

    It does not mean that the children will be taken away and she will be excluded from their life, but she will get the support she needs.

    If you dont express your concerns sadly it may be more than the children having a bad upbringing that you have to worry about-if she is delusional there is a chance they could come to psychical harm.  I know I wished when I was younger I had a responsible adult to speak up for me!

  5. Yes My mother. I am my mid thirties now, but it was hard to deal with my mothers illness at a young age. Yes i would have been better off not living with my mother. My mother tried to kill herself in front of me and she almost succeded many times, on the other hand i love my mother. You can pick and choose your friends but not your family. I have become a stronger and caring person learning to deal with her illness and i would not trade her in for another mom.

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