
Anyone had a Boyfriend/Girlfrind Diagnosed with depression as a Teenager?

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My boyfriend has just been diagnosed with depression. Ive suffered from in previously and im worried that him having depression is going to bring me down again. Ive had to live with my brothers having depression so its not the first time ive done this but im worried that this time i just wont be able to handle it. The last few months have been a huge strain on me, him and our relationship. How have you dealt with a similar situation in the past?




  1. My ex and I both had mental illness going into our relationship. I was working to get rid of my depression, and he had depression and depersonalization.

    Towards the end of our relationship I was getting much better than I had been for a long time, and really found that he was dragging me down. It was a real strain, and in the end I had to end it because it was messing me up again, which I knew was no good.

  2. leave him if he's gonna bring you down

  3. Well i knew this girl who suffered from depression..she kept telling her boyfriend she was unhappy...and he did nothing to make her happy he made her cry everyday and broke up with her every other day cause he was depressed about not graduating from highschool and she was leaving to go to college...any way make a long story short one night after an argument she tried to kill herself by slitting her wrists..Thankfully I didnt succeed. I cant tell u how to live ur life all I can say is u both should try to keep the other as happy as possible..

  4. Yeah, I've had a similar situation. My girlfriend was diagnosed with depression when we were going out. But the way out of it was more on the "religious" side. I still loved her, but I was actually kind of hard on her, though I made sure she was loved. I just kept talking to her about Jesus. She knew about Him, she just didn't trust Him anymore. But today, she is out of her depression and her relationship with Jesus is better.  

  5. It just so happens that I'm bipolar and very sensitive to stress and, my boyfriend lost his job this week.

    The best way to deal with any situation is having good communications.

    Explain to your boyfriend that you love him allot and you understand what he's going through and you want to be there for him, but you are already "sensitive" to other people's emotions and have a hard time handling stress in your life as it is.

    Tell him that you want to be there for him, because you care allot and love him...but that sometimes, you might not be able to handle his stress and, you need to take care of your emotions too, cause if you start to get depressed, then you will not be able to be there for him at all...and that's not what you want.

    Make him understand that you are not abandoning him, you are there for him but, he can't expect you to be his "life jacket" to hang onto in order to not "drown" in depression, cause you're already struggling yourself to keep afloat on top of these things. Reassure him that even though some days you won't be at your 100% best, that you love him allot and are doing all that you are able to.

    It might be frustrating at times, for you and/or him, but keep in mind that you need to be healthy in order to be there for others. And keep on reasuring him about how much you love him and care. And don't be affraid to tell him when you are having bad days (and need to take time for yourself), or when you can just handle so much... Cause if you don't, your relationship will suffer from it and the last thing you would want is to loose that.

    Also, tell him that as his girlfriend you are there to lend him an ear and listen to his frustrations/pain/stress, but that you cannot be his therapist. It would be in his best interest to get therapy by a professional to help him work out his emotionnal ups and downs. This doesn't mean you don't want to hear his problems and give him support, but rather that you can only do so much.

    Good luck, for both of you!;)

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