
Anyone had a sociopath stalker? it wont stop even with restraining order. what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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he is really cunning and sneaky, i cant handle it anymore. im thinking about moving




  1. Speak with others - your neighbours, parents, family to see whether they have seen this person around.  Gather as much witnesses as possible and then see if you can get a restraining order against him.

    If that doesnt work then sort out your finances and move.

  2. if he breaks restraining order, then he goes to jail

  3. Look up a local hitman, or just some tough guy. He doesn't even have to kill the dude; just tell him that you are his cousin or something and do f*ck off if he doesn't want his legs broken. If you have a restraining order and he is still stalking you, then call the police, so he will be arrested/charged.

  4. Don't retaliate. That's what he wants you to do and you can be guaranteed that if you do you're the one that will be caught out. Cut off all contact with him, don't answer the door to him, change your number. If you see him on the street don't look at him or even attempt to talk to him no matter what he says and report each incident to the police so that they can keep a record of it, even if they dont act on it straight away. If you bother them enough maybe eventually they'll pay him a visit. Hopefully over time when he sees that he cant get a reaction from you he'll get bored and move onto something else. Most importantly don't give him power, dont show him you are afraid of him. That is what he wants.

  5. get even with the loser  put flyers up sayin hes a stalker   do that where he works and in the mall in the bathroom  but dont get caught or leave any fingerprints.

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