
Anyone had a tankless water heater blow up due to power failures?

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I can't believe it. I just got a Titan tankless water heater about 3 months ago. This has been working fine. Then, all of a sudden after a number of power failures the heater tripped the line breaker. I reset it (while I still had a faucet on) and I heard a loud pop. I got about 15 mins more of hot water before the breaker blew again. Then, upon resetting it was popping and sparking all over. What's the deal? Is this just a bad brand or a bad unit? They are sending me a new one but I fear it will also just fail again or worse. Thanks for any help.




  1. Apparently neither of you actually read the question, JL mentioned at least twice that this was a TANKLESS water heater, no tank, no immersed elements.  The only element here is wrapped around the tubing that carries the water through the unit.    As far as the problem goes, it's entirely possible that during the period when the power was being restored that the surges connected with re-energizing a grid could have fried some of the electronic circuits in the controls for the unit, thereby causing the problems you're having now.  The good news is that your homeowner's insurance should cover the cost of the replacement.    

  2. Certainly sounds like the fail safe or limits failed on your unit, these units are UL approved but I wound venture to think that this was a control malfunction that hopefully should not re-occur. I have read the specs on these type of units and they do require a minimum GPM of water through the tank to enable the heat circuits, perhaps you could hire a plumbing company to check your water flow rates at the new tank for peace of mind. Good l**k.

    Jerry L

  3. Hi are you on a well? ---- If you are the other post covered what I was leading up to. Also I was wondering if the fault was when the power was off and the tank was completely drained of water. It would only take an instant of operation 'dry' and the elements would be fried leaving the unit to maybe operate as you described. Just a thought. Hope this helps.

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